
I Hate The World Today

Maybe I'm just mad because I got bad news from the dentist, but I'm angry inside today. There are a couple of things that piss me off and I want to get them off my chest.
  1. I hate when people switch lanes without turning on their blinkers. They do this weaving in and out between cars thing, It's dangerous; who taught you how to drive? You do not own the road!
  2. I hate speeders! Who in the hell do you think you are? You could kill me or my kids, I hate you!
  3. I hate the Yes on 8 protesters. I believe in god, but you make me want to never step foot in a church again.
  4. I hate when people are late. The only excuse for tardiness is a car accident, that's it.
  5. I hate flaky people. If you say you're going to be there, be there. It's easy.


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