

For most of you suckers, 2008 was a pretty lousy year. But not for me.

Last year on this same night, Joe and I ate Toferky, salmon and baby red potatoes. We drank champagne while smooching in Heather's hot tub. I promised him I would quit smoking and we promised each other that 2008 would be the best year ever for us. And it was.

  • In January I quit smoking and made a wish upon a magnetic star.
  • In February I had the best birthday ever when Joe took me to Monterey.
  • In March, (March 8th to be exact) I unknowingly got pregnant.
  • In April I got a car and moved in with Joe.
  • In May I went on the most awesome vacation to Florida and Tennessee.
  • In June I got a really cool "door inspecting" job.
  • In July I got a big fat engagement ring from Joe.
  • In August we decided to move to Placerville.
  • In September Trevor got Student of the month at school.
  • In October I had my baby shower.
  • In November my beautiful little boy Evan was born.
  • In December we got our house and I married the love of my life.

Yes indeed, folks... 2008 was the best year of my life, thus far...certainly the most eventful. Our plans tonight do not include a tofu turkey, alcohol nor a hot tub. We'll probably eat some grilled cheese sandwiches and go to sleep by 8:00 pm. Maybe next year we'll do something.

Here's to 2009!

It's Official...

I'm Mrs. Joe Christopher!

I married my best friend yesterday. The ceremony was short but sweet. Everyone came, mom & dad, Jen & Brian, Trevor, Evan and all the boys. Kira came and took the pictures, (which I can't wait to see!)

The after party was great. I got to drink champagne and eat salmon and tell everyone how much I love them.

I feel married. I even feel like I look married. I like it.

Joe's Dopplegänger

Evan's cry is different than Trevor's. Trevor had a sweet little cry. "Mmmm-wah. Mmmm-wah." He sounded like a kitty. Evan has a piggy snort and a loud scream-like cry. It's like, "Eh, Eh, WAAAAAA!!! Snort! Snort! WAAAA!"

It's difficult in the middle of the night to have a baby screaming at you, as any parent would agree. I'm looking forward to the next stage of Evan's life, the discovery stage. I'm a little afraid of what he'll sound like when he's teething though.

<-- Isn't he cute? I think he's Joe's dopplegänger. Evan doesn't look like me much at all, (other than the fact that he's Caucasian.) Luckily, he looks like Joe or I'd think there was a mix up at the hospital. It's OK though, that's my baby and I love him. And besides, I already have one mini-me, Trevor.

Joe + Jeri

I'm getting married next week!

Joe's so easy. He wants a cheap ring off Amazon. I wanted him to have a yellow gold ring because I really like the look of gold, but he said he didn't want to clash when we hold hands. That's Joe's ring to the left. He'll look so sexy married.

Our wedding dinner is going to be a simple homemade meal. We were going to have turkey but I thought we'd be turkey'd out just 5 days after Christmas. I'd like to have fancy potatoes as a side, like Mashed with dill and capers. I'm going to Costco and buying a side of salmon and maybe some crab legs for Trevor. Our cake will be pineapple upside down cake. I'm so excited!

I'm 100%, without a doubt in love with Joe. Marrying him will be the happiest day of my life. I'm the luckiest girl in the universe.

Jeri's Survivor Recap

Survivor: Gabon - Bob Wins!

I'm a total dork who is obsessed with Survivor. If you're like me, and love survivor; you're thrilled that Bob won!

I was rooting for Bob from day one. Bob is Macgyver-esque, fatherly, and a true outdoors man. What do I love about Bob the most? I love the bow tie! I love how even when Bob was in his underwear, he still wore his trademark bow tie, Chippendale style.

But the reason I fell in love with Bob is because every time he talked about his wife and family, he teared up. True tears, tears of love. Bob, the physics teacher, was loved by everyone. That's why he won the $100,000 Sprint player of the season. Not to mention, had they really been marooned off the coast of Africa, he was the only player who had the skills to survive. Well played Bob Crowley, well played.

Had Bob not won, my alternative picks were for Sugar or Kenny. Just like the rest of America, I thought Kenny was cocky. But I liked watching the metamorphosis from the meek, timid, nerd to the confidant, cocky, mobster-like figure that he became. Like when he called himself a "shot caller", it was very Tony Soprano. He should have known, as soon as he felt like he was calling the shots, his days were numbered.

I also rooted for adorable Sugar. She cried a lot and wore her heart on her sleeve, which I found endearing. At first, I thought she was the dumbest person in Survivor history but she proved me wrong. I normally can't stand people with a sob story, but she was so cute about it. I'm glad she didn't win the money, but I would've expected her to get at least a few votes. I mean, she played a part in everyone's execution and never had a single vote cast against her. Impressive.

Then there's notorious Corrinne and Ace. I hate bullies, I hate negative people. I loathe conceit and Ace and Corrinne were the worst offenders. Even grumpy old Randy wasn't as offensive as these two.

I hope I'm never in a social situation where I have to interact with someone like Corrinne. I wanted to slap her in her face for what she said to sugar. She called Sugar an, "unemployed, uneducated leach on society" Then she continued to bash her for crying about her deceased father. Corrinne is a miserable wench; may she rot in hell.

Ace was extremely obnoxious. He was so in love with him self that he could survive off the smell of his own farts. That right, I said Ace is a fart huffer.

I'm brainstorming Joe's video application for the show. It has to be good, they get a lot of applicants. I love the show and would love to play but I would never win. I'm not a good swimmer, I'm loud and tend to rub people the wrong way. Also, I can't get sunburned for fear that I would get skin cancer.

But Joe would definitely win! He's lovable, a strategist, hardworking, and capable of lying. His only flaw is he can't tell when he's being lied to. But if he can make it to the merge, he's got it in the bag. Plus, I'd love seeing my husband on TV.

When I told Joe that he was going to apply for Survivor, he told me the sweetest thing...

Joe: "i dont want to leave you for 40 days though... i cant go a day without you"
"i'd be crying on the show"
"like sugar"

Evan Joseph

My little bundle came 3 weeks early.
Evan was born November 14 2008

He looks just like his daddy.
6lbs 13oz
19 inches