
Joe's Dopplegänger

Evan's cry is different than Trevor's. Trevor had a sweet little cry. "Mmmm-wah. Mmmm-wah." He sounded like a kitty. Evan has a piggy snort and a loud scream-like cry. It's like, "Eh, Eh, WAAAAAA!!! Snort! Snort! WAAAA!"

It's difficult in the middle of the night to have a baby screaming at you, as any parent would agree. I'm looking forward to the next stage of Evan's life, the discovery stage. I'm a little afraid of what he'll sound like when he's teething though.

<-- Isn't he cute? I think he's Joe's dopplegänger. Evan doesn't look like me much at all, (other than the fact that he's Caucasian.) Luckily, he looks like Joe or I'd think there was a mix up at the hospital. It's OK though, that's my baby and I love him. And besides, I already have one mini-me, Trevor.


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